The innovative idea and the welfare work of Dr. Sahadev: Mobile cremation unit! social welfare. || डॉ. सहदेव का अभिनव विचार एवं कल्याणकारी कार्य: मोबाइल शवदाह इकाई! ||

Hindi. A revolutionary innovation in the cremation process: This facility of mobile cremation unit services will prove very useful for urban people. Content. The campaign for tree conservation gains momentum to tackle global warming and pollution. According to Hindu customs, when someone passes away, their body is cremated. This process requires a significant amount of dry wood. Regarding the Save Tree campaign, many cremation lands had provided gas base furnaces. The current problems regarding cremation: Many cremation grounds have switched togas-based furnaces. These are more environmentally friendly than traditional wood-based cremations. But the situation in many rural areas is still worse. Many crematoriums in villages have shade structures, but due to the lack of proper maintenance, they often face the same problems.During the monsoon season, the difficulties associated with cremation rituals become exacerbated . Usually, cremation gr...