The Power of Habit-A Glimpse at an Inspirational Book by Charles Duhigg |

The Power of Habit-A Glimpse at an Inspirational Book by Charles Duhigg | This book has the power to awaken the inner strength in everyone, including the youth, and it is a must-read for all. The book "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg delves into the mechanics of habit formation and how to make lasting changes to our routines. The book has ten major points: The Habit Loop. Keystone Habits. The Golden Rule of Habit Change. The Power of Small Wins. The Role of Belief. Social Influence. Willpower is a Muscle. Habit Stacking. The Importance of Self-Reflection. The Power of Community. Am usefull book for everyone: This book helps to understanding the patterns of behavior and routines exhibited by individuals, organizations, and societies. In his opening chapter, Duhigg introduces the habit loop - a three-step process that underlies every habit. Read more on MG Shopping Place Charles Duhigg wrote:...