EDDELU_KARNATAKA: Wake up Karnataka Campaign! How did the voters of Karnataka find the solution to radical politics?

The awareness campaign by the people of Karnataka! people of Karnataka soon understood that such a radical political situation would ruin the coming generation and the country as a whole. “The heaviest penalty for declining to rule is to be ruled by someone inferior to yourself.” ― Plato, The Republic The immortal quote of Pluto about the politicians: Born about 2400 years ago, Pluto was a disciple of the famous philosopher Socrates and a teacher of Aristotle. Even today, how accurate is his statement about royalty that 'If you stay away from politics, someone else with low mentality will become your king. The vigilant youth of Karnataka: The people of Karnataka, especially the youth, understood this very well. That's why just six months before the Karnataka election, they commenced a silent but result-oriented campaign for ideal voting, which was reflected in the result of the Karnataka election. The campaign of Karnataka peop...