Transgender Person Muralidharan Honored For Social Welfare In Tamilnadu By CM||
Tamilnadu-CM-Stalin-Awarded-Murlidharan-For-Social-Welfare-Activity. |
The role of transgender people in our society.
Any event, baby-born in the family, wedding occasion, or festival; almost all Indian people know that transgender people come at the door and demands money or gift. But these people are not beggars. Instead, people know them as the devotees of Bahucharaji and believe them as a symbolic form of Ardhanareshwar of Lord Shiva. So people have a little bit of fear and a little bit of curiosity about him.The transgender people in modern times:
These communities are isolated from our usual social structure. As a result, they could not do business as ordinary people and were hesitant due to lake of confidence. But with the spread of education in the modern-day transgender community, many transgender people are getting promising careers and dignity.The remarkable social service of Marla Murlidharan, a transgender person:
53-year-old Marla Muralitharan also is a transgender person in Tamil Nadu who has done social work for 25 years. He is a civil engineer and has his own construction business. But, being a transgender person, he could better understand the problems of the transgender community. So he supported them by opening shops at his own expense, starting animal husbandry, providing jobs, and giving them an equal place in human society. So far, he has given a dignified life to about 70 transgender people.The honor by the Government Of Tamilnadu for him:
The government has honored him with an award for his considerable noble social work. The Department of Social Welfare and Women Empowerment presented an award to Murlimaran, given by Muthuvel Karunanidhi Stalin, Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu.
Muralitharan says :-
"I help those transgender persons who do not want to do things like begging and want to live a decent life."
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— P. Geetha Jeevan (@geethajeevandmk) April 18, 2022
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